PRESEASON: Winterize Your Car

Winterizing Your Car

Tips For Getting Ready To Drive In Winter

Ski season is approaching, and many ski enthusiasts are gearing up for the exciting trips they have planned to Japanese ski resorts. Putting in the time to make sure that gear has been fully checked out is important. But just as important as the gear on the hill is the car used to get there.

The snowy landscapes provide a beautiful setting with breathtaking views, but they also bring unique challenges to road travel. Winterizing a vehicle is a crucial step to make sure that any adventures on the mountains are a safe and enjoyable journey from start to finish. In this guide, we’ll break down a preseason checklist to prepare a vehicle for the Japanese winter.

Studless tires on car Photo: Studless tires on basic wheel.

Winter Tires

Why It’s Important: Tires are the main contact between the car and the road. Even the best off-road car will be futile without a good tire to keep the vehicle in control. Winter tires are especially important to provide improved traction and control on icy or snow-covered surfaces.

What To Do: Ensure that the car is equipped with winter tires designed for snowy and icy conditions. For all four tires, make sure they all have equal and ample tread as well as proper air pressure.

All-season tires are not as safe as perceived.

Let’s look at some stopping data from the Ontario Ministry of Transportation. They took three types of vehicles and tested in temperatures of -20°C with 3 cm to 5 cm of compacted ice and snow on asphalt. All vehicles were required to stop in a straight line from a speed of 50 km/h.

  • All-Season (AS)
  • Winter (W)
Car Type AS Tire Stopping Distance W Tire Stopping Distance % Improvement AS > W
Subcompact 50.7m 39.1m ~25%
Minivans 51.1m 38.3m ~28%
4WD Vehicle 42.8m 38.3m 11%

All car types across the board received a significant improvement in stopping distance when using winter tires. The average improvement when changing to snow tires can be just over 20%.

Would you risk your safety with those odds?

High walls in winter. Photo: Walls of snow leading into a garage.

Fluids and Battery

Why It’s Important: Proper fluids like engine coolant, antifreeze, windshield washer fluid, fuel additives, and engine oil can all help during the cold winters. Matching these with a strong battery will ensure that any car will start in the coldest of colds.

What To Do: Check and replenish all liquids specifically designed for colder climates. Verify that other essential fluids like washer fluid, engine oil, and brake fluid are at their recommended levels. For diesel vehicles, anti-freezing fuel additive may be necessary in the case of leaving the vehicle unattended for long periods of time. For batteries, getting a battery check when changing or checking fluids is a great time to get everything done in one appointment.

Wipers and Windshield

Why It’s Important: Clear visibility is essential for driving. Properly functioning wipers and defrosters can keep the windshield clear in snowy and freezing conditions. Many coatings can also help with maintaining visibility. Cleaning the inside of the windshield is just as important as the outside. When cleaning the inside, be sure to use an anti-fogging agent to assist in keeping the window looking good throughout all conditions.

What To Do: Similar to all-season tires, winter wipers are a must in extremely snowy and cold areas to maintain proper functioning. Purchase winter wipers and make sure to do a visual check on everything. At night or during the day, it is advised to lift the wipers away from the windshield. This will prevent them from freezing directly to the windshield and also make it easier to scrape the windshield. Be aware that some car models with obscured windshield wipers may require an upright position before lifting the wipers.

Snow covered radiator Photo: Snow covering a radiator after driving in snow.

Snow Management (Shovel, Brush, Scraper, Traction Aid)

Why It’s Important: Snow is going to be a part of everyday life for skiers. A snow brush can help clear the snow from windows, lights, and the roof of the vehicle. A scraper can do the same to remove ice. A shovel can be used to dig the car out in case of emergencies, but many times just the snow around the vehicle needs to be cleared to move unimpeded. Lastly, in the event of getting stuck and needing more traction, a traction aid (there are many to choose from) is great to have.

What To Do: Keep a brush in the car designated for the windshield and car roof. Using it too much on other parts of the car might introduce dirt to the brush, which can scratch the windshield and paintwork in the future. An ice scraper and shovel are also easy to purchase and put in the car and also keep inside sleeping accommodations. Let’s continue with traction aids. There are many to choose from.

Traction Aid Pros (+) Cons (-)
Tire Chains Very strong grip and usable for long distances Time-consuming to attach and speed is restricted
Traction Mat Immediate traction, reusable, light Not ideal on ice, difficult in deep snow, limited traction coverage
Sand Affordable, non-corrosive, static weight provides extra grip Heavier in large quantities, fuel economy may reduce
Cat Litter Affordable, non-corrosive Limited traction compared to others, effectiveness drastically drops when wet

Emergency Kit

Why It’s Important: Unpredictable weather and road conditions will inevitably lead to unforeseen consequences. Emergency kits can provide safety until help arrives. For such little weight and space, it could possibly save a life in an emergency.

What To Do: Prepare an emergency kit that includes a first-aid kit, blankets, warm clothing, winter-ready gloves, and a flashlight at the bare minimum. Other items can include non-perishable food, water, and a portable phone charger. Other car items can include tow-ropes and a set of jumper cables. Keeping these in an accessible location within the car is necessary in case of emergency.


Tow Ropes: These are very commonly used when pulling cars out of the snow or on low traction roads, but there is a danger. The line from the attachment points must remain clear because when the line is taut there is no mercy from the rope. Anything in the way will be moved or pinned.

Jumper Cables: Incorrect usage can pose several dangers, including electrical shocks, vehicle damage, and even the risk of fire or explosion if not connected correctly. It’s crucial to follow safety guidelines when jump-starting a vehicle. Check if the cables come with a guide to the proper usage. If not, check the owner’s manual. Hybrids also have a different procedure depending on the car’s battery layout. When in doubt, refer to the car owner’s manual.


A well-prepared vehicle is the key to a successful and safe road trip to ski resorts and back-country access points. By following some preseason tips to get ready for the weather, your ski season can steer clear of disaster and be the best it can be. So be prepared and get your car ready for when the snow starts to fly!

Stay safe and have a safe journey!

Snowy side road at night Photo: Local road during snowfall.